10 Smart Cleaning Hacks To Make Your Lives Simpler
House hygiene is important to maintain, as it decides whether you have a healthy home or not. Everyone should make an effort to keep their home neat and tidy at all times, but it is easier said than done.
While fulfilling personal or professional commitments, finding the time to spruce your home is difficult. You can hire professional end of lease cleaners in Gold Coast when ending a tenancy and need to get your bond back in full.
However, if you struggle to maintain house cleanliness generally, here is your complete guide. It outlines ten smart cleaning hacks to make your lives simpler. Take a look.
1. Remove Sticker or Glue Stains With Blow Dryer
People with small children at home often have sticker and glue stains on floors, furniture, and other household surfaces. One of the quickest ways to remove them is to expose the gummy residues to heat via a blow dryer. Once the affected area is hot enough, the stain would loosen and melt, making it easier to wipe or scrape.2. Clean Scuff Marks With Magic Erasers
Scuff marks on floors, baseboards and walls are impossible to prevent, but you can clean them in a few seconds with Mr Clean Magic Erasers. These cleaning tools are activated with water and remove dust, dirt and stains from tiles, ceramics, cement, steel, and other materials. Professional end of lease cleaners in Gold Coast often use such products to clean homes effectively and efficiently.3. Use Microfiber Gloves For Hard To Reach Places
Cleaning blinds, window tracks, door frames, and other nooks and crannies are difficult with usual cleaning tools. Thus, invest in microfiber gloves that you can wear on your hands and easily clean hard to reach places.4. Steam Microwave With Water and Vinegar
Mix water and white vinegar in equal proportions in a bowl, then place it inside the appliance. Heat the solution for 5 minutes at the highest temperature and take out the bowl after 5 minutes. Next, wipe the insides with a paper towel, and all the grease and grime will come off quickly. Also, this method will help remove bad smells from the microwave.5. Clean Kitchen With Baking Soda Paste
Kitchen surfaces and fixtures repeatedly become soiled with oily messes, food splatters, boilovers etc. To clean them naturally:- Make a runny paste of baking soda, water and dishwashing liquid.
- Apply the paste on the affected areas and let it dwell for 10 minutes before scrubbing with a sponge or brush.
- Wipe with a damp microfiber cloth to remove the residues.