10 Weekly Tasks That Should Be On Your Office Cleaning Checklist

10 Weekly Tasks That Should Be On Your Office Cleaning Checklist

By : Mikaela Perrin
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, offices and workspaces have become stricter with their cleaning schedules and routines to keep this deadly virus at bay. Every office must maintain a neat and hygienic environment at work where office staff can feel safe and healthy.  It would help if you also clean your offices properly every week to remain hygienic and healthy and create a good working environment for your office staff. To help you out, experts in end of lease cleaning in Gold Coast recommend ten ways you can keep your office clean every week, which include:

1. Dust All Surfaces

You should start by dusting all the surfaces in your office with a feather duster to free your office from any allergens and bacteria. Use a feather duster at the end of every week and dust all the file cabinets, desks, chairs, monitors, tables, and other accessories and make sure they are all free of any dirt and debris.

2. Empty Your Trash

Another great tip by experts in bond cleaning services is that you must take out the trash from your office every week. Start by picking up any clutter and trash from your office space, then take out your garbage bag and put it for waste and recycling management. You can then put a new garbage bag and sanitise the whole area to keep it smelling fresh. 

3. Vacuum Your Carpets And Curtains

A great way to get rid of all the dust and debris from your office is to clean it every week with a vacuum in the following ways:
  • You can get your office members to help you and have them vacuum different areas of the office so that one person doesn’t get tired of doing the whole floor. 
  • You must make sure you vacuum your office carpets properly and clean the curtains and blinds thoroughly to get rid of any allergens. 

4. Sweeping And Mopping

Another essential way to keep your office space actually clean from any viruses is by regularly sweeping and mopping the floors. This will ensure that all your areas are adequately cleaned and free of dust and dirt. You can assign each person a different area, and they can help you sweep and mop the whole office floor until it is flawless.

5. Wipe Telephones And Other Common Appliances

In COVID-19 times, it is essential to keep all common surface areas and points of contact clean in any office. To do this, you must:
  • Use disinfecting wipes and clean all phones in your office space.
  • You should also clean any common appliances like the fridge and coffee or tea machines.
  • You should also wipe down the elevator and lift buttons every week, as this is one of the common surface areas.

6. Scrub The Tiles In The Washrooms

Professional bond cleaners on Gold Coast recommend that you clean the tiles in your office washrooms every week to be free of any debris and dirt buildup. Cleaning and scrubbing the tiles with vinegar and baking soda will keep mould and mildew at bay and keep your toilets clean and hygienic.

7. Wipe Down All Windows And Glass Surfaces

If you have windows in your office, you should hire end of lease cleaning in Gold Coast to clean them thoroughly to remove any dirt and streaks. If you want to clean them yourself, you should dust your windows first with a damp cloth and then clean them using a squeegee to remove any streaks and keep them clean.

8. Clean Your Refrigerator

If you have a refrigerator stocked with food in your office, you need to clean it out at the end of every week. You can do this in the following ways:
  • Start by appointing members of your office to clean the fridge every week in shifts.
  • You must make sure you keep a checklist for them with everything they have to do.
  • They must throw away any rotten and old food, which attracts bacteria and viruses.
  • They should also wipe the shelves and the inside door with disinfecting wipes every week.
  • You should inspect the fridge once they are done to see if it has been cleaned properly.

9. Refill Toilet Essentials

Another essential part of cleaning your office weekly is to make sure all your toilet supplies are in order. This is necessary to maintain hygienic and clean toilets in your office. You should do this in the following ways:
  • Inspect all the toilets at the end of the week and check to see if all the toilets are working.
  • Check the toilet paper rolls in every stall and refill the empty ones.
  • Ensure there is hand soap, sanitiser and paper towels near the sinks.
  • You should also empty out all the garbage and waste from the toilets and put in a new liner so that the washrooms are fresh and healthy.

10. Clean All The Office Furniture

Last but not least, you must wipe and polish all your furniture surfaces like chairs and tables thoroughly at the end of the week. These areas can attract dirt faster and have a lot of fingerprint grease as everyone uses them in the office. You must clean them properly with vinegar and water and then let them dry overnight to eliminate all the grease and dirt on them.


Looking at the above ten points, you can now keep your office neat every week to stay safe and hygienic.