Dealing With Hard Water Stains: Effective Cleaning Solutions

Dealing With Hard Water Stains: Effective Cleaning Solutions

By : Mikaela Perrin
Chalky unpleasant deposits are common in households that get hard water. These deposits are called hard water stains and they affect surfaces and fixtures that are often damp with water. Therefore, the bathroom and kitchen are common places for hard water stains. They happen when hard water laden with calcium, magnesium, zinc or other minerals evaporates and leaves behind these deposits. If you are proactive and install a hard water softener in your home, it can prevent these stains. Alternatively, you can hire professionals to remove hard water deposits and deep clean your home generally or when you need to perform end of lease cleaning in Gold Coast. However, use the following effective cleaning solutions to deal with hard water stains and prevent household surfaces and fixtures from smelling bad, looking unsightly and deterioration. Have a look.

Spray Cleaning Vinegar on Hard Water Stains

The acetic acid in cleaning vinegar has the power to break mineral deposits and turns them into water-soluble salts. Moreover, since vinegar is natural and non-toxic, using it is perfect for green cleaning. It is neither harmful for household members not the environment. Here’s what you must do.
  • Add undiluted cleaning vinegar to a spray bottle
  • Spray the solution directly on the stains & let it dwell for 30 minutes or more.
  • Re-spray if the solution dries before the dwell time is over.
  • Scrub the surface or fixture with a brush or sponge.
  • Next, apply soap and scrub again
  • Rinse with water or wipe the residues with a damp microfiber cloth
  • Dry the surface/fixture with a terry towel

Break Mineral Deposits with Oxalic Acid

Hard water stains on the toilet, sink, bathtub, and other areas not only look bad but also smell. Many stairs of bacteria feed on the deposits forming a greenish-orange slimy layer which emits foul odour. To tackle this issue, get oxalic acid crystals and dissolve them in water. Apply this solution on the affected areas and wait 10 minutes. Next, scrub well with a firm-bristled brush and wash the fixtures thoroughly with warm water. Ensure the oxalic acid solution and the residues are removed completely before wiping the fixtures to dry them.

Remove Hard Water Stains with Lemon Juice

Hard water stains are best treated with acidic cleaners. Therefore, if you want to use another natural ingredient to get rid of these stains, lemon juice works effectively and also makes your home smell good.
  • Squeeze lemon juice on the dirty surfaces/fixtures and wait 10 minutes.
  • Next, scrub the deposits with the lemon halves and wait another 20 minutes.
  • Afterwards, apply soap to the stained area and scrub well with a brush.
  • Wash the residues with water or wipe them with a damp cloth
  • Ensure to dry the area to prevent reformation of hard water stains

Use Baking Soda and Dishwashing Liquid Paste

Hard water stains on kitchen surfaces and fixtures are common. Thus, to treat them you can use items in the kitchen to manage the task safely and without exposing yourself to volatile organic compounds in commercial cleaners.
  • In a bowl, a slurry of baking soda and dishwashing liquid. Add water to if necessary to get a runny consistency.
  • Apply this paste to hard water stains and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Scrub the stains vigorously with a brush or hard sponge
  • Wash or wipe the residues and repeat the process if the stains remain.

Things To Keep in Mind While Cleaning Hard Water Stains

You can use bar keeper’s friend or other commercial hard water stain removers to treat heavily-soiled areas. They work effectively and efficiently, therefore, come in handy while performing end of lease cleaning in Gold Coast. In addition to this, keep the following things in mind as well while cleaning mineral deposits.
  • Always inspect surfaces and fixtures for damage due to hard water deposits.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals as they threat the structural integrity of surfaces and fixtures upon frequent use. Their routine maintenance is important especially when you live a rental property.
  • If the stains smell bad or look dense, wash with soap and water before applying the cleaners mentioned above.
  • Ensure surfaces and fixtures that frequently get damp with hard water don’t air dry. Wipe them with a microfiber or terry towel immediately after use.
  • Don’t use vinegar, lemon or other acidic cleaners on natural stone surfaces. They will cause irreversible damage.
  • Don’t hesitate to hire professionals to treat these stains as cleaning them without expertise can damage the surfaces/fixtures and necessitate replacement or repairs.

Wrapping Up

Hard water stains are a common household issue as they occur when saline water laden with mineral and salts evaporate from surfaces/fixtures. You can hire professionals to deal with the issue. However, to keep your home stain-free and sparkling at all times, use the effective cleaning solutions above to deal with hard water stains effectively and economically.