Eco Friendly Ways Of Keeping Your Whole Bathroom Clean!
None of us would love to clean the bathroom. The hair clogged drains, the mildew that loves moisture, and most of all, the toilet makes way for an unpleasant cleaning task. Undoubtedly, your first preference while you are cleaning the loo is destroying the soap scum and the germs. Nonetheless, it is imperative that we get rid of bad chemicals that might just be in the water and air, and create problems to the lungs, mucous membranes and also the skin.
Green Cleaning the Bathroom
Just like the ones you use in the kitchen, many prominent household cleaners with the qualities of a disinfectant are totally made of harsh chemicals. The commonly used antibacterial agents as pesticides in cleaners are said to have been connected to severe health troubles. While in the bathroom, we frequently come in contact with many surfaces. Hence, these toxic substances can easily get on the skin and can cause you many health related disorders. So, it is better advised to use Eco-friendly products to keep the bathroom clean and safe without risks of any harmful chemicals.How could the toilet be green cleaned?
You do not have to go for the bleaching powder to keep your toilet clean and bright. The nontoxic bathroom cleaners that are homemade can as well remove stains from the toilet. For an impeccable toilet, blend a tablespoon of baking soda with half a cup of vinegar. Pour down the mixture into the loo and let it stay for around half an hour before you scrub it. This bleach free method can detoxify your toilet and easily remove the ugly brown calcium lining and also the rings.Bathtub
- Baking soda to the rescue!
- Vinegar for a clean shower!
Most of the times you would find your bathroom clogged. One of the most prominent reasons for this is the hair in the drain that will be stuck. You wouldn’t even think of pulling out the hair clumps that would be tangled, because you find it gross. However, the usual drain cleaners come along with toxicity. They have sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide, which is capable of causing permanent harm to eyes and skin on contact, also the lungs can be burnt due to the vapours. Most of the cleaners also have dim-ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride which is a serious skin and eye irritant, and also a neurotoxic eye irritant known as dichlorodifluoromethane. Hence, you could create your own drain cleaner that is nontoxic rather than flushing toxins down the drain which could also leak into the environment. To begin with, get rid of any conspicuous debris. Later put around a cup of dry baking soda down the drain which must be followed by vinegar of approximately half a cup.Sink
The number of ways we specified for keeping the bathroom clean can also be applied to clean the sink, but it is always grimy, which will make you feel there’s no need of using a strong scrub. Instead, a spray cleaner could instantly be made by blending half cup of natural dish-wash bar, one cup of water and a couple of cups of baking soda. This combination can scrape the soap scum and grime in many regions. Polish them with a blend of equal portions of baking soda and vinegar. Later, rinse it clean. Even toothpaste could do a lot of wonders on the fixtures of chrome.Mirror
If you need a crystal clear mirror, all you would have to do is to use warm water and a neat, lint free clothing material. If you wanted some more fighting strength on the toothpaste splatters to breakdown them, blend equal portions of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. You could sprinkle it easily and could also be used on glass surfaces.Floor
The mats used in bathrooms can get dirty very quickly. You should never let a wet mat stay on the floor. Every time you finish a shower, hand the mat over the shower rod in order to dry it out. If you want your bathroom rug to be fresh, spray it with baking soda. Let it stay for half an hour, or how much ever time it requires for you to clean the bathroom. You must later vacuum the powder. This can aid in getting rid of odours and let you wash the mat less often.
To bring back neatness on the tiles, blend warm water and half a cup of baking soda and mop the floor like you always would. Pitch in a few drops of lime squash for a fresh smell. If your bathroom is tiny, wipe using the same spray cleaner that you used in cleaning the sink.
Do not give way for harmful bacteria or toxins in the bathroom. Go green!