How to Clean Hardwood Floors Without Chemicals

How to Clean Hardwood Floors Without Chemicals

By : Mikaela Perrin

Hardwood floors are a worthy and visually appealing addition to any house. Plenty of homeowners prefer them for a variety of reasons, including aesthetics, durability, and increased home value. However, this flooring material can be very tough to maintain, particularly if individuals do not follow proper methods. The key to proper maintenance is frequent and system cleaning because floors face substantial wear and tear.

Letting the hardwood floors get dirty regularly and not taking prompt action can result in damage, which is very expensive to fix. Expert bond cleaners Gold Coast recommend cleaning wooden floors frequently with natural products rather than chemicals to avoid causing damage and ensure the material stays durable. Here is how to clean hardwood floors without chemicals. Follow this step-by-step procedure to make the floors look as good as new.

1. Pick Up Clutter and Eliminate Dust

When it comes to proper hardwood cleaning, it is always recommended to begin by clearing any visible clutter and removing smaller things like area rugs from the floor. A cluttered space is much harder to clean than a clear one, which is why this step is crucial.

Next, it is time to get rid of loose dust. Use a high-quality vacuum cleaner or a broom to clear away the particles. Alternatively, using a microfibre dust mop is also a good option because the fibres inside it will do a good job of attracting and capturing the dirt. After that, homeowners would just need to toss the mop head in a washing machine to ensure it is ready for any future use.

2. Prepare a Natural Cleaning Solution

Now, it is time to prepare an effective cleaning solution for hardwood floors. Mix one cup of distilled white vinegar with a gallon of water in a large bucket. According to professionals who do the best bond cleaning Gold Coast, this solution is good enough for basic cleaning. Avoid using commercial cleaners, as most of them contain toxic substances.

3. Mop the Hardwood Floor

A lady is mopping hardwood floor inside her living room.

Once the solution is ready, dip a microfibre mop in it and wring it out to ensure it is moist but not dripping wet. Remember that it is not ideal to apply more water on the floor than required. Begin using the mop by working from the far corner. Work your way towards the door and ensure the entire room is cleaned. Do not forget to rinse the mop as the soil is transferred from the hardwood floor. Mopping is definitely one of the most effective and safe ways to clean this flooring material.

Tip: If you are a pet owner, pet-proof your home for easier cleaning.

4. Allow the Surface to Dry

After mopping, let the floor air dry. Do not walk on it during the drying period. Ensure there is not excessive moisture on the surface, as this can damage the material. When it comes to accelerating the drying time, either turn the ceiling fans on or utilise a circulating fan. However, be careful to ensure the children do not come into contact with the fans. Finally, place the items that were cleared before cleaning.

5. Eliminate Stubborn Stains With Baking Soda

One major reason many homeowners choose hardwood floors over carpets is to avoid the trouble of dealing with stains. However, wood can also be stained, particularly if not given immediate and appropriate attention. Luckily, there is no need to use chemicals to treat stains because many natural alternatives are available, and most of them are very effective. They are also used for cheap bond cleaning Gold Coast.

Baking soda is a great example of a natural stain remover. This non-toxic household cleaner is considered gentle enough to be used on hardwood floors. However, it is always to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Baking soda also serves as a gentle scouring agent, which means it can deal with several stain types. Just follow these steps after preparing a paste of baking soda and water:

  • Apply the paste directly to the stained area using a microfibre cloth or a toothbrush
  • Wipe it clean
  • Wipe again with water to eliminate baking soda remnants
  • Repeat the procedure if required

6. Hacks to Maintain Clean Hardwood Floors

Maintaining clean hardwood floors does not have to be daunting. In addition to basic cleaning and eliminating stains, there are some tips individuals can follow to ensure their floors look good for longer.

  • Promptly wipe any spills. Excessive moisture can cause discolouration, and sticky remnants will attract even more dirt. Vacuum cleaners can be perfect for such situations.
  • Leave your shoes at the door.
  • Ensure rubber pads are attached to the furniture legs to avoid scuffs and scratches.
  • Place doormats outside and inside the entrance doors to pick up dirt. Frequently clean the mats.

Finally, when nearing the end of your tenancy, hire professional bond cleaners Gold Coast for the best results.

Easy Steps to Naturally Clean Hardwood Floors

Info on How to Clean Hardwood Floors Without Chemicals

Wrapping up

Using store-bought and chemical cleaners is usually not recommended for floor cleaning, as they can damage the surface. So, it is best to apply the steps mentioned in this article to naturally clean hardwood floors.